Sunday, July 28, 2013

Super Sunday

Ahhhh...nothing like relaxing on the day before a hectic week. 
Yesterday my mom and I made fold over elastic  hair ties.

My mom and I decided to make them instead of buy them, because when ever my mom and I want to buy them there $3 for one!! It is much cheaper to buy the fold over elastic here
They come in many types of colors, and prints. 

As you can see (above) we got silver sparkle, pink sparkle, orange, melon green, purple, sky blue, dark pink, and white. We also got black and light pink. 

Anyways, not only is the family relaxing, so is little Layla!!
Sunday also means... COUPONS!!

My mom use to coupon A LOT about 1 or 2 years ago. 
I don't coupon as much as my mom use to but, I coupon!! :)
My family likes to save money, I mean, why doesn't? 

When we use coupons, we usually go to Target. And my favorite coupons have to be make up, soap, and nail polish. :) 
So, thats my Sunday. Comment what you do on Sundays!! ;)

A.K.A Young City Baker